yeah dear Nysaa I will learn you everything about making a skin for proboards here now continue. at this time you need to choose your circle layers one by one and add these effects on them:
and add these effects on shapes which you have created as decorations:
this green color , which I have used here is my own taste. you can use each color do you like. but now as you are working with me and practicing, choose these colors like me to learn first how you can add effects on your image. now one of your decorations has effects, go to layer palette and there right click on this layer which you have added effects and choose: Copy Layer Style now go to your duplicated and copy decoraation layer in your layer Palette and a right click on it and choose Paste Layer Style. now you should have something like this:
double click on the colored bar where the red arrow is showing you as you see in the image bellow , a box appears for you , now you should double click on the place which red arrow is showing you again in the image bellow :
now a color box will appears to you and with that you can choose your favorite color, or if you have the Hex number of your color, put there.(imge bellow)
if you have any problems and questions about Gradient changing, ask, Im here to learn you everything
okey! lets continue to finish this lesson tonight now first create a new layer, and then choose Ellipse Tool from your photoshop toolbar and create a circle like mine :
now you need to add these effects on your circle, double click on circle shape and then add these effects step by step like me:(attention, the green color is the same with previous green colors which I used)
now you need another circle in another side of your header image to complete it. here you need to go to the menu bar, Layer, and choose Duplicate Layer, now move this new circle to another side by keyboard arrows. now you should have something like this:
now is the time to add the central decoration.create a new Layer, choose Elliptical Marque Tool from your phtoshop Toolbar and create a circle like mine , a half cirlce and then choose paint bucket from your phtoshop toolbar and fill color into the half circle layer like mine :
and now start to add effects into this half - circle shape:
now you should have something like this:
and your header image is complete. you can choose each color do you like for your background, create a new layer after the background and fill into it. or if you like your head image has a transparent background. you just need to create a new layer after the background and then turn off the eye beside the background layer and then go to the menu, File, Save fo the Web, and then choose PNG.8 format for your image and save it. now here if you just have any questions or problems about this lesson ask, and also post your jobs here for me to see what did you do
yeah, of course, you can do this also with image ready, but when we have first Photoshop, why we must do it in image ready? I suggest you to do this with Photoshop, because when you try to make this with imageready, it will makes many slices on your image and will makes you confused. we will have another lesson also about making head and base images with animation , and there I will tell you how you can add and edit your project in imageready and also add animation any questions?
That is great umm also about changing the color I'm still having trouble can you tell me again.
xoxoxox nysaa
P.s Ellen a little hint you should post the entire tutorial then ask if there is any questions and if people have questions they can ask and say in step 2,3, 4 and so on and then you can help them more clearly. It's just a hint.
okey , if you like this, everafter , I will do that, and about chaning colors in Gradient there is no simple explain like mine which I have posted before for you. yu need to just click on arrows and then color box will appears to you and by then you can choose your color. I will start next lesson and will write a complete torurial about it and then post, and there will explain completely how can you change colors.